American Baduk Association - Slacker Crewneck EXCLUSIVE (1/28)

American Baduk Association - Slacker Crewneck EXCLUSIVE (1/28)
Since AlphaGo’s match with top Korean professional Lee Sedol in 2016, the world has experienced a goban (Go board) shortage. Go continues to grow in popularity being the second most played board game in the world [behind Chess] with over 80 million people watching AlphaGo’s game live in China alone.
American Baduk association facilitates the progress of new players joining and competing in American Baduk Association (ABA) regulated tournaments.
American Baduk Association collaborates with promoters and live event coordinators to sponsor “Go Stations” and light amateur tournament play at events to increase event participation and further the exploration and study of Go.
100% of the revenue from this overpriced-yet-exclusive slacker crewneck goes to helping us kickstart and launch the Detroit Go Club January 2023.