CAPTAINS:LOG 004 - The 5 Phase Song Cycle

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  1. Trigger - The song is on the market and you hear it everywhere. You hear: “Have you heard the new ***** song?”

  2. Inflated Expectation Peak - Hype has peaked and listeners start to bring new criticism. You hear: “Yes it’s good BUT…”

  3. Disillusionment Valley - The song starts failing to meet expectations. Late adopters start listening to it. You hear: “It sounds so last summer”

  4. Enlightenment - Radio and media have stopped covering your song. Hype is gone. This is when most songs fall off the market.

  5. Productivity Peak - The benefits of the song become widely demonstrated and published for placement. You hear: Nothing. People just listen. Your song becomes a tiny interwoven part of popular culture.

Notes: none

Reference Links:

Spotify Artist Guidelines - (

Amuse Data Driven Music Services Press Release - (